Sunday, December 27, 2009

Bad cookie!

I'm a bad blogger. I've hit a major blogging slump. The history of my blogging has been all over the place.
  • family and friends
  • knitting
  • healthy living
  • cooking
  • crafts
  • my faith and beliefs
  • gardening
Those are pretty much my main interests. I craft all over the place too. I have a bad case a ADDOS (Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny) and frequently will put down a project to start something new. I was hoping after a year that I would get the hang of it and by now I would have and informative inspirational and witty blog that I would be proud of.
When I told my husband 9 months ago that I had a blog he asked me what was the purpose would the blog serve. For me it is a way to connect with other people and an opportunity to be able to express myself and maybe get a little feedback.
I will continue to blog about activities with family and friends, knitting and crafts, my quest live a healthy lifestyle, stuff I do around the house, and a little of my faith. My faith and beliefs are precious and personal to me and won't be a huge part of my public blog.
I want to be more organized this coming year, take care things that need to get done, and actually finish some projects. Finishing projects that would be a nice change. This week while the kids are home I'm going to examine ways to help accomplish these goals.
A belated Merry Christmas have a safe and happy New Year.

1 comment:

Jillsknit said...

If you are a bad blogger then I am I WAY bad commenter! I read many blogs daily but never bother to comment, even just to say "Hi".
Blog when you can - I'll read when you do.