I joined the "Say Goodbye to Winter Swap" hosted by the High Fiber Diet Podcast. I had drawn Lorrieu for my partner and had a great time picking out some fibery treats for her.
My upstream partner was Kim from GA. She spoiled me greatly :
Thank You notes
seasonal pens One with a cute bunny on top
Sticky notes!!!!
Project bag with springy flowers all over it from MessieCraftie
yummy salty snacks my favorite, along with a well sealed bag of Hershey Kisses…yeah!!! they didn’t melt.
mmmmmMalabrigo Sock yarn in the Caribeno colorway
Newton’s Yarn Country Happy Feet Print
it was a lovely treat and wonderful way to celebrate the first day of Spring. BammerKT mentioned on the podcast how suprised she was that the swap had brought members of the Ravelry group together. I think its great it gave us a chance to get to know each other, do some cyber sluething, and help each other with clues, It was fun to joke and tease each other too. I believe when you try to do something kind for another person , without expecting anything back from that person friendships even cyber-friendships , can be built.
I'm sure I'll think of something better to say later.
Happy Spring!