Monday, March 22, 2010

Autumn in Spring

Originally uploaded by dnaprice66
After being on the needles for almost a year, I finally finished Autumn, an entrelac shawl. It wouldn't have taken me that long if I would have just kept at knitting it. but I took several breaks., and ...well you know.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Podcast Swag

HFD water bottle
Originally uploaded by dnaprice66
I love to listen to podcasts while I walk, clean house,knit, sew, just about everything. I ordered this from one of my favorite knitting podcasts, The High Fiber Diet. It will be great to take walking , in the car and it fits in my project bags perfectly.
The kids have been out of school on Spring break this week and next. My exercise has suffered greatly so I took the girls on a "forced march" this afternoon. The weather was perfect breezy and the temp was in the 70's. We walked for about 2 miles stopping at the Elementary schools desert garden. I'll take pictures of it later. It has all sorts of cacti, trees and desert plans. Right now the California Poppies are in bloom carpeting the garden in yellow.
When we got back from the walk a package from Cafe Press was on the door step and in it was my new favorite water bottle. Just one more week of Spring break, Yay!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Fortune Friday

Friday nights , especially if the husband is in town, is date night. Date night for us is just getting away for an hour of food and conversation. Usually we go to the food court at the mall eat Panda Express, talk , and watch the teenagers go by. MY favorite part of the meal (besides the conversation) is cracking open the fortune cookies. Tonight's fortunes were........
mine: "you bring out the best in others"
Hubby's : "A partnership shall prove successful for you"
Its been 22 years since we met, and marriage is always a work in progress, but we've been pretty successful so far and intend to continue.