"question of the day" posted in the She knits podcast furm today on Ravelry by mountainpurl was "what is the thing or things that someone you know - friend or family has made that you think is just amazing? " There were several things I thought of. Some bookcases built by my husband and a needlepoint done by my grandmother were a couple of items that stood out. both were labor intensive in different ways.
Then I thought of my favorite object made by me. Its my first wall quilted wall hangingthat involved fabric transfers of family photos and creative use of fabric. I really had a lot of help from the teacher of the class I took in figuring out the square size and cutting of the fabric. The seams are a little wonky and there are loose threads all over the place. It was on of my first quilts and I really treasure this wall hanging.
The center photo is a picture of my Grandfather, grandmother and Uncle Jack. PIctures included on the quilt are of my parent's wedding day

my Uncle Jack in front of a Derigable that he flew in WWII

My dad when he was much younger and had hair ;).

I love this quilt because it is a daily reminder of my heritage and of the sacrifices my ancestors made to be together and build a family.
Is there something you have made that you love despoite its imperfections?