Friday, June 26, 2009

Summer, swimming and science

I can't keep up the five word only posts. I thought that limiting myself to five words a post would allow me to be creative and post more frequently. I found out my brain doesn't have the bandwith to be that creative.
Here is what we've been up to this week
Swimming lessons and Swim team practice. : I while waiting for kids I finished a Circle cloth and worked on socks. I liked the finished product of the wash cloth. but my hands were sore after knitting it. The pattern has you slipping a stitch for seven rows, brutal on my hands, but I loved the effect. The yarn used was Sugar and Cream Stripes.

I also worked on a sock i think it just a Fancy rib from Knitting Vintage Socks by Nancy Bush, in Corwn Mountain Farms hand spun "Sock Hop". Let me just say I love this yarn. It feels good toknit with, a pleasure to touch. I was so glad that I bought some on their last Sock Hop sale, especially whe I found out they weren't going to be selling it this summer online. I rec'd an e-mail newsletter from Crown Mountain Farms saying that they were saving all of their Sock Hop yarn for the Sock Summitt. Lucky for people attending the SS, too bad for the rest of us because I lo-o-o-ve this yarn.

Science experiments:
The kiddos learned about living cells (yeast), what they need to be active (water, warmth, and sugar), and what they produce (carbondioxide)
Then we experimented on which sugary liquid does the yeast react with best.
L-r Sprite (I know the bottle says Diet Coke), Gatorade, and Honey. Honey did the best., the Gatorade was a little to cold to help the yeast grow any.

Back to knitting. One of my favorite LYS Tempe Yarn and Fiber is spearheading a project for the local Ronald McDonald House. Author Tim Logan created background stories for members of a family of hedgehogs. I went to the shop saw what characters were left and chose a set of aunts called the Pinko Triplets. I finished knitting and fulled the first one yesterday and started the second one this morning. The pattern is Huggable Hedgehogs from Fibertrends, a well written pattern much and easier than the clogs I knit last year. I will post photos of my progress later.

Happy Summer! and Happy Birthday Coggietm!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Five word blogging is difficult

Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer vacation half over, YAY!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day sweetheart and Dad.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Yarn and needles, pure bliss.

Friday, June 19, 2009

In 5 words (not including title)

Son comes home tomorrow, YAY!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


I saw on the morning news today that the Webby Awards recently took place.  It looked like a fun awards banquet with several famous an d semi-famous people attending and accepting the bed spring-like trophy.  The funny thing was that the acceptance speeches had to be 5 words, no more just 5 words.

Jimmy Fallon's speech was "Thank God, Conan was promoted!" 

What would I say if I had the limit to limit it to 5 words. Hmmmmmm might be a new thing to try for the blog.

The winner of best Culture/Personal blog is 1000 Awesome Things  the description of it on the site says 
"1000 Awesome Things is just a time-ticking countdown of 1000 awesome things. Launched a few months ago and updated every weekday."  
It is pretty awesome and takes a look at the everyday things that make life enjoyable.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Mammoth Sunflowers and Why I shouldn't be allowed to bake cookies

The sunflowers have grown and threaten to take over the place. The Mammoth Sunflowers are approximately 13' across once the petals dry up. Last night i cut two of the flowers off to try and save some of the seeds from the birds. The other large sunflowers are not as big in diameter but they have grown much taller than the 6' cinder block wall. Our bedroom windowlooks out into the garden. Its fun to watch the little birds play around the sunflowers, not so fun to watch one of the chickens try and wrestle a ripe tomatoe of the vine.
This afternoon. Littlest sister was bothering the big sister and friend. I invited the littlest one to help me make cookies. My dh has perfected the chocolate chip cookie recipe, so I stay away from making those. I was in the mood for Snickerdoodles. Butter,eggs and flour rolled in more sugar and cinnamon. Yum!
We had every ingredient except we were shy 1 tps. of Cream of Tartar. IT all mixed up and looked right. We made our doughballs rolled them in cinnamon and sugar. An tremor of epic proprtions must have occured in the oven because this

Became this:

That blob on the lower right side is just a sad glob of dough that didn't even want to try for cookie greatness. They tasted all right. The Littlest one my darling daughter ate three of them tonight.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Woo Hoo, Summer!

When I started this blog it was with the intent to have a place to talk about my favorite hobbies, family and whatnot. I feel like I haven't had much time to work at the hobbies or even think about the whatnot. I guess that is why I renamed my blog. My mind wanders and wonders quite a bit these days

The last month has been kind of hectic. The oldest child graduated from High School, and the other kids had the usual end of the year concerts and awards stuff.

I've crocheted some super soft baby washcloths for baby gifts. The pattern is by Teresa Grant and super quick to crochet , and well received by the mommies -to be.

Green/ Pink Cloths Yellow/Pink

My first Ball band dishcloth from Mason Dixon knitting

I test knit a blanket for Coggietm 's Operation Cuddle project

and some booties for and expecting fellow Raveler

and am slogging my way through the UFO's so I can knit along with the She-knits Mystery Bag KAL
I'm glad its summer. i was looking forward to getting lots of projects done with my kids. So far I have spent most of my time shuttling them around in the car to classes, camps, and conferences. What happened to carefree days of a child's Summer? I know it my fault I'm the one who logged on the computer and signed them up for classes. Individually they are not super busy but by the time you take three children and three summer school classes/science camps along with swimming lessons it gets chaotic. Just a couple weeks of this. It will be fine. I hope friends and family are enjoying their summer as well.