Friday, October 23, 2009

Why I love Arizona in the Fall

Originally uploaded by dnaprice66 can plant vegtable gardens! While all my relatives who live up north are cleaning out thier gardens and getting ready for winter, I get to seed my garden and plant vegetables. This year I planted
beans (these haven't sprouted)
brussel sprouts
In my flowerbed at the front of the house I planted petunias, thew grow really well here in the winter, come February they really take off. This is my favorite time of year in AZ. It really makes up for the summer and the 100+ degree weather in early October.


stacey224 said...

mmmm, I love juicing beets. Wish I had my own. When we move, we're definitely starting a garden. I bet it is so nice having fresh veggies and fruits right outside and not always having to go to the store!

bethanyg said...

Oh those beets look fantastic! One year when I was doing preschool, I boiled beets, had the kids paint with the tinted water, and then diced them with salt, pepper and butter and fed them to the kids for lunch. Terrific, and parents couldn't believe their kids ate beets!

Brenda M. said...

What do you use to amend your soil? I've already added some organic compost here, but the soil was so dead it hasn't really made a dent.