Thursday, December 31, 2009
Every week on Wednesday we, the nursing school students, would go to the hospitals where we were doing our rotation that quarter, and pickup our patient assignment. Each assignment was generally 2 patients we would have to study their medical history, current history , disease, medications, etc. We would then have to write out a care plan for each patient identifying the potential or actual problems the physiology for the problem, include actions or nursing care that would help improve the patients situation or prevent a problem from actually occurring. Goals would actually have to be measurable; we couldn't just write "patient will be pain free" but "Patients pain level will be less than 5 on a scale 1-10".
So here I am trying to explain to my sweet 9yo that while I appreciate her wanting to be nicer to her little sister, she needs to think about, how, what actions she is going to take that will help her be nicer to her sister. She looked at me like I was a little nutty, I have that reputation with my kids. This interaction with my daughter has helped me think about what I want my goals for the year to be. When I decide on what they are going to be,I don't know if I'll post them all here it depends on how brave I'm feeling at the time.
Until then Happy 2010
Monday, December 28, 2009
John had a migraine this morning. I feel bad that this is something he has to contend with in his life, but am grateful that they aren't worse or more frequent. I took the girls out to run errands for a couple of hours so John could have the quiet he needs to get over the headache.
We came home bearing donuts and lasagna (John's favorite). Hoping it will be a good day.
Knitting wise I'm going to finish the scarf started while mom was here, then start some dishcloths for my MIL's birthday present. Her birthday is a little over a week away, Think i can make 6 dishcloths before then? I would like to, we'll see.
Sunday, December 27, 2009 more entry for the day

The three younger kids were a little sad and missing their brother, my parents saved the day, as only grandparents can, by coming and staying with us for Christmas. My youngest got a lot of snuggles from Grandma and grandpa. Em fell in love with their new dog, and John had fun playing games and going golfing with Grandpa.
My mom and I visited a couple of our favorite yarn stores and new projects were started, scarves. Mom was glad to be knitting something new. I started one just because mom wanted me to start one too. Most moms and daughters go clothes shopping or get pedicures mom and I knit together.
Even though we had a great time. Thoughts of my oldest child are in the back of my mind. I know he is safe and happy, and in my mind I am giving him a big hug.
Bad cookie!
- family and friends
- knitting
- healthy living
- cooking
- crafts
- my faith and beliefs
- gardening
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Forest Canopy Shawl (and other knitting content)

The first week of post-op recovery had me finishing this lovely little shawl for my mother-in-law. It is knit in Dream in Color Smooshy in the Oceania colorway. I loved working with the yarn and the pattern was fairly easy to follow even on heavy-duty pain pills
I finished a couple of hats. I really enjoyed knitting Quincy the pattern by Jared Flood from his book Made in Brooklyn I just bought the pattern as a downloadable PDF on Ravelry, I love Ravelry love how it lets me buy a pattern anytime of the day :) yes I'm an impulse shopper I knit this hat in Berroco Peruvia Quick. Its a soft warm hat I love it and since its been chilly (for Arizona), I can actually wear it and not swelter
On the home front my oldest leaves soon to enter the Missionary Training Center in Provo , UT. After being there for a couple of weeks , he will go to the North- Eastern part of the United States where he will be serving an proselytizing mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He has been a fun kid to raise we've had some really awesome talks lately. I will miss him but I am excited for him to go out into the world to grow in the gospel and in life experiences. He's an awesome young man.